Suffering from Nomophobia? Fear not, for we all have it!

  1. Did you know that fear of your “Mother-in-Law” is an illness? Yes, indeed, Pentheraphobia is! But No-mo-phobia or cell phone addiction is perhaps the most dangerous!
  2. Everyone’s heard of Claustrophobia, but here are hundreds of Phobias arranged alphabetically.
  3. Some of them are so weird – at least the one I suffer from is – “Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia” – you guessed it – Fear of long words!
  4. And most of us suffer from one or more, because Phobias [classified under Anxiety Disorders] remain one of the commonest Mental Illnesses.
  5. But the good news is: Treatment is possible for all of them, and mostly without the use of drugs – as you’ll learn when we talk about “Talk Therapy”!

Meanwhile, here’s an A-to-Z Master List of Phobias:


  1. Ablutophobia – Fear of cleaning, washing or bathing
  2. Achluophobia – Fear of darkness
  3. Acrophobia – Fear of heights
  4. Aerophobia – Fear of flying, of fresh air or the movement of air – such as drafts or breezes
  5. Alektorophobia – Fear of chicken or hen
  6. Algophobia – Fear of pain
  7. Agoraphobia – Fear of open spaces or crowds
  8. Aichmophobia – Fear of needles or pointed objects
  9. Alliumphobia – Fear of garlic
  10. Allodoxaphobia – Fear of opinions
  11. Amathophobia – Fear of dust
  12. Amaxophobia – Fear of riding in a car
  13. Ancraophobia – Fear of wind
  14. Androphobia – Fear of men
  15. Anemophobia – Fear of wind
  16. Anginophobia – Fear of angina or choking
  17. Anthrophobia – Fear of flowers
  18. Anthropophobia – Fear of people or society
  19. Aphenphosmphobia – Fear of being touched
  20. Arachibutyrophobia – Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth!
  21. Arachnophobia – Fear of spiders
  22. Arithmophobia – Fear of numbers
  23. Astraphobia – Fear of thunder and lightning
  24. Ataxophobia – Fear of disorder or untidiness
  25. Atelophobia – Fear of imperfection
  26. Atychiphobia – Fear of failure
  27. Automatonophobia – Fear of Human-Like Figures
  28. Autophobia – Fear of being alone
  29. Athazagoraphobia – Fear of forgetting or being forgotten


  1. Bacteriophobia – Fear of bacteria
  2. Barophobia – Fear of gravity
  3. Bathmophobia – Fear of stairs or steep slopes
  4. Batrachophobia – Fear of amphibians
  5. Belonephobia – Fear of pins and needles
  6. Bibliophobia – Fear of books
  7. Bogyphobia – Fear of the Bogeyman
  8. Botanophobia – Fear of plants
  9. Bufonophobia – Fear of toads)


  1. Cacophobia – Fear of ugliness
  2. Catagelophobia – Fear of being ridiculed
  3. Catoptrophobia – Fear of mirrors
  4. Chaetophobia – Fear of hair
  5. Chionophobia – Fear of snow
  6. Chirophobia – Fear of Hands
  7. Chloephobia: Fear of Newspapers
  8. Chorophobia – Fear of dancing
  9. Chromophobia – Fear of colors
  10. Chronomentrophobia – Fear of clocks
  11. Chronophobia – Fear of Time
  12. Cibophobia – Fear of food
  13. Claustrophobia – Fear of confined spaces
  14. Consecotaleophobia – Fear of chopsticks
  15. Coulrophobia – Fear of clowns
  16. Cyberphobia – Fear of computers
  17. Cynophobia – Fear of dogs


  1. Decidophobia – Fear of Making Decisions
  2. Deipnophobia – Fear of  dining, engaging in dinner conversations or having a conversation with someone while eating!
  3. Dendrophobia – Fear of trees
  4. Dentophobia – Fear of dentists
  5. Dextrophobia – Fear of having objects to your right
  6. Didaskaleinophobia – Fear of going to school [school phobia]
  7. Domatophobia – Fear of houses
  8. Dystychiphobia – Fear of accidents


  1. Ecophobia – Fear of the home
  2. Eisoptrophobia – Fear of mirrors
  3. Elurophobia – Fear of cats
  4. Emetophobia – Fear of vomiting
  5. Entomophobia – Fear of insects
  6. Ephebiphobia – Fear of teenagers, youth
  7. Equinophobia – Fear of horses
  8. Ergophobia – Fear of work
  9. Erythrophobia – Fear of blushing


  1. Frigophobia – Fear of being cold


  1. Graphophobia – Fear of writing or handwriting
  2. Geliophobia – Fear Of Laughter
  3. Geniophobia – Fear Of Chins 
  4. Gamophobia – Fear of marriage
  5. Genuphobia – Fear of knees
  6. Globophobia – Fear of Balloons
  7. Glossophobia – Fear of speaking in public
  8. Gynophobia – Fear of women


  1. Haphephobia – Fear of touch
  2. Heliophobia – Fear of the sun, sunlight
  3. Hemophobia – Fear of blood
  4. Herpetophobia – Fear of reptiles
  5. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia – Fear of long words
  6. Hydrophobia – Fear of water
  7. Hylophobia – Fear of trees
  8. Hypochondria – Fear of illness


  1. Iatrophobia – Fear of doctors
  2. Ideophobia – Fear of reason or ideas
  3. Insectophobia – Fear of insects


  1. Japanophobia – Fear of Japan, Japanese
  2. Jcatapedaphobia – Fear of jumping (from both high and low places)
  3. Judaeophobia – Fear of Jews, Judaism


  1. Koinoniphobia – Fear of rooms
  2. Koumpounophobia – Fear of buttons


  1. Logophobia – Fear of words 
  2. Leukophobia – Fear of the color white
  3. Lilapsophobia – Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
  4. Linonophobia – Fear of of strings
  5. Lockiophobia – Fear of childbirth
  6. Lutraphobia – Fear of otters


  1. Mageirocophobia – Fear of cooking
  2. Megalophobia – Fear of large things
  3. Melanophobia – Fear of the color black
  4. Microphobia – Fear of small things
  5. Myrmecophobia – Fear of ants
  6. Mysophobia – Fear of dirt and germs


  1. Neophobia – Fear of new things
  2. Necrophobia – Fear of death or dead things
  3. Noctiphobia – Fear of the night
  4. Nomophobia – Fear of being without mobile phone coverage [cell phone addiction]
  5. Nosocomephobia – Fear of hospitals
  6. Nyctophobia – Fear of the dark


  1. Obesophobia – Fear of gaining weight
  2. Octophobia – Fear of the figure 8 or number eight
  3. Ombrophobia – Fear of rain
  4. Omphalophobia – Fear of the navel or belly buttons
  5. Onomatophobia – Fear of  hearing a certain word or of names
  6. Ophidiophobia – Fear of snakes
  7. Optophobia – Fear of opening one’s eyes
  8. Ornithophobia – Fear of birds


  1. Panophobia – Fear of everything!
  2. Papyrophobia – Fear of paper
  3. Past Life Phobias
  4. Pathophobia – Fear of disease
  5. Pediophobia – Fear of dolls
  6. Pedophobia – Fear of children
  7. Pentheraphobia – Fear of mothers-in-law
  8. Philematophobia – Fear of kissing
  9. Philophobia – Fear of love
  10. Phobophobia – Fear of phobias!
  11. Phonophobia – Fear of sound
  12. Plutophobia – Fear of money
  13. Podophobia – Fear of feet
  14. Pognophobia – Fear of facial hair
  15. Porphyrophobia – Fear of the color purple
  16. Pteridophobia – Fear of ferns
  17. Pteromerhanophobia – Fear of flying
  18. Pupaphobia – Fear of puppets
  19. Pyrophobia – Fear of fire


  1. Quadraphobia – Fear of the number four
  2. Quadriplegiphobia – Fear of quadriplegics or fear of becoming a quadriplegic
  3. Quintaphobia – Fear of the number five


  1. Ranidaphobia – Fear of frogs


  1. Samhainophobia – Fear of halloween
  2. Scolionophobia – Fear of school
  3. Scoptophobia – Fear of being stared at
  4. Scriptophobia – Fear of writing in public
  5. Selenophobia – Fear of the moon
  6. Siderophobia – Fear of stars
  7. Sesquipedalophobia – Fear of long words
  8. Sociophobia – Fear of social evaluation
  9. Somniphobia – Fear of initiating or falling asleep
  10. Spectrophobia – Fear of mirrors and one’s own reflection
  11. Syngenesophobia – Fear of relatives


  1. Tachophobia – Fear of speed
  2. Taphophobia – Fear of being buried alive
  3. Technophobia – Fear of technology
  4. Thalassophobia – Fear of the ocean or deep, open water
  5. Tonitrophobia – Fear of thunder
  6. Trypanophobia – Fear of needles/injections
  7. Trypophobia – Fear of holes
  8. Turophobia – Fear of cheese


  1. Urophobia – Fear of urinating


  1. Venustraphobia – Fear of beautiful women
  2. Verbophobia – Fear of words
  3. Verminophobia – Fear of germs
  4. Vestiphobia – Fear of clothing


  1. Wiccaphobia – Fear of witches and witchcraft


  1. Xanthophobia – Fear of the color yellow
  2. Xenophobia – Fear of strangers or foreigners


  1. Zoophobia – Fear of animals

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