🤪When Microbes had a Beauty Contest🤪

Microbes once decided to have a contest,
To decide who amongst them was the best.
They assembled into a team,
Staph aureus leading the way
for the Gram positive,
E. coli doing the honors
for the Gram negative.
Entamoeba was the choreographer,
Ascaris the chief guest,
Judges included Fungi,
Cyanobacteria, and the rest.
Sponsored by Bacteriophage,
wishing them all the very best,
Agar-agar the official carrier of the test.
Came in E. coli on Endo agar
with a metallic sheen,
S. aureus could do nothing
but on crutches lean.
Motile Vibrio decided to glow,
But equally fluorescent
Pseudomonas gave him the blow.
Then entered Bacillus,
The temperature soared.
Enterobacter felt uneasy,
the audience roared.
Streptococci arranged
themselves in chains,
Out came Corynebacterium
with its palisade.
Salmonella on TSI showed its hues,
This gave Mycobacterium the blues.
Then came in the estuarine beauty,
The orange pigmented
Haloarchaea cutie.
With its growth at high levels
of sodium chloride,
Who else could the judges choose to ride,
The chariot of fame,
The eubacteria to tame!!
Don’t laugh Alone!
Pass it Along….!


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