Lessons Learnt [April 2024]

  1. It is the last key in the bunch that often opens the lock!
  2. I must use my nice sheets, wear my fancy clothes, I must not keep saving everything good for a special occasion. Today is the special occasion.
  3. It is never the wrong time to do the right thing.
  4. Every time I face a disaster, I ask myself: “In five years, will this matter?”
  5. I need to make peace with my past, so it won’t ruin my present.
  6. Patience means waiting for a seed to grow into a plant and then into a tree. To enjoy the fruit, I must allow the plant to grow a bit!
  7. To find a better path, I must be willing to explore a different path.
  8. If I work hard in silence, my success will be my noise!
  9. When I’m bored, I lose my energy and productivity; and it warns me that whatever I’m doing is not right and needs some adjustment.
  10. If failure seems reversible, I act quickly. If failure seems irreversible, I think carefully.
  11. If my hands are occupied in holding on to something, I can neither give nor receive.
  12. I can make myself miserable, or happy. The effort required is the same.
  13. Improvement is often not about doing more things right, but about doing less things wrong. I must stop looking for things to add. I need to look for things to eliminate.
  14. I do not compare my life with others for I have no idea what their journey is all about.
  15. My life lessons will be repeated in various forms until I learn them well; only then will I be able to move on to my next lesson.
  16. I do not make choices based on immediate outcomes – like the little joy I experience in the next 30 minutes. Instead, I look for actions that will lead to greater payoffs, even if they do not bring instant gratification, because the relationship between input and output is rarely linear.
  17. When I’m in doubt, I just take the next small step.
  18. I am de-hoarding – starting with anything that I haven’t used in the last 3 months. Clutter weighs me down in so many ways.
  19. It is not so important who starts the game but who finishes it.
  20. If I threw all my problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, I would grab mine back.
  21. When someone tells me, “You’ve changed”, it simply means I’ve stopped living my life their way.
  22. It is extremely easy to endure the difficulties of one’s enemies. It is the successes of one’s friends that are hard to bear.
  23. There are three sides to an argument – your side, my side and the right side.
  24. The richer I get; the more expensive happiness becomes.
  25. It takes two to make a quarrel but only one to end it.
  26. When inspiration does not come to me, I go halfway to meet it.
  27. Sometimes I succeed and other times I learn.
  28. It’s a fine line between fishing & standing still.
  29. It’s hard to make a comeback when we haven’t been anywhere.
  30. Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.

More of my Daily Lessons:

Lessons Learnt
More on Positivity:
Positive Ink Will Never Let You Sink
More on Personal Development
S.O.U.L. [School Of Unlimited Learning]

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