Wellness vs Wellbeing

Wellness and Wellbeing
are two related concepts
that focus on distinct
aspects of our overall
Health and Quality of life.

What is Wellness

  1. Wellness refers to the active process of pursuing optimal health and well-being.
  2. It encompasses various dimensions, including physical, mental, and social well-being.
  3. Wellness emphasizes taking proactive measures to maintain and enhance one’s health through lifestyle choices, self-care practices, and preventive measures.

What is Wellbeing?

  1. While wellness primarily focuses on the actions and behaviors that contribute to good health and well-being, wellbeing itself encompasses a more Wholistic and Subjective perspective.
  2. It encompasses a person’s overall state of being and satisfaction with life – including happiness, life satisfaction, sense of purpose and fulfillment.

In summary, wellness can be
seen as an active pursuit of
a healthy and balanced lifestyle,
while wellbeing encompasses
a broader perspective of overall
life satisfaction and fulfillment.
Both concepts are important and
interconnected, as optimal wellness
can contribute to overall wellbeing,
and an elevated level of wellbeing can
support a person’s wellness goals.

The Quickest Way to
Wellness is to Adopt a
Wholistic Lifestyle
by following these
Simple Tips!
3-point Formula
for a Healthy Body

3-point Formula
for a Healthy Mind

3-point Formula for
Healthy Relationships

More FAQs & Information Here: 
All about Health & Wellness

More on Positivity:

Positive Ink Will Never Let You Sink
More on Personal Development:
S.O.U.L. [School Of Unlimited Learning]

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