3-point Formula for Healthy Relationships

As we learnt in “What is Health
Being Healthy means being in a
state of Complete Physical,
Mental and Social Well-being!

We learnt all about
Physical Well-being in the:

3-point Formula
for a Healthy Body

And we learnt all about
Mental Well-being in the:

3-point Formula
for a Healthy Mind

Let us now learn all about
Social Well-being

[An ill-understood concept,
and the most neglected of all]

which is about nourishing
and nurturing our Relationships!

And here is a simple 3-point 
Formula for maintaining
Harmony in any Relationship


Relationships depend upon
how we CEE them!

C “C” for Communication: Keep the connecting channels open, pay attention to the Non-Verbal part – what you don’t say, and how you say what you do say is always more important than the words themselves! Check out: Improving Communication Skills: The Johari Window


E “E” for Empathy: The ability to step into another’s shoes [it involves understanding and sharing of others’ feelings unlike sympathy, which is feeling sorry or pity for another, so much easier and lesser of an act]


E And the 2nd “E” for Equality: Each partner in Each Relationship is equal to the other – neither less nor more!

What is even more important
is to pay equal attention to
all our Relationships.
Because when it comes to
any Relationship, it always
Rains and Reigns“!
Relationships suffuse our
entire being with Wellness!
We can follow the following
Mnemonics to list out all possible
Relationships that we all are
invariably a part of!

The RAInS Formula

R “R” for Relationships: We humans are by nature, said to be social animals! And somehow, as soon as one mentions the word “Relationships” – we immediately think of human relations – family & friends [soulmates], spiritual gurus / teachers etc. But there are so many more, beyond mere Human Relationships.


A “A” for Animate World: Humans have an incredibly special Relationship with all living beings – whether it be the Flora of the Plant Kingdom [talking to the trees, leaves, and flowers, and gardening], or Fauna of the Animal Kingdom [other than humans, we relate beautifully to Pets!]!


I “In” for Inanimate World: Reconnect with nature! An oft-forgotten Relationship is the one with the so-called non-living beings: most of Nature Mountains to Rivers to Breeze to Sun – the Galaxies and beyond… And of course, all of Music [Singing, Playing Musical Instruments], Art [Dance, Painting, Poetry, Films, Theatre], that always plays such a vital role in our well-being!


S “S” for Self: Last, never the least, is one’s Relationship with oneself! How connected are you with your true “Self” – that real person behind the masks that we often wear to meet the world! This can be done through Introspection [maintaining in journal or a diary and specially including Gratefulness], Meditation, etc.

Many other words like Soul, Spirit, etc are also used to describe the same concept – of being in communication with “Self“!


3-point Formula for
Human Relationships:

All of us spend our time
in three locations, and that’s
where most of our
Relationships are formed:

S “S” represents Society: This includes our Relationships with those family members who do not live with us in our homes, all our friends, neighbors, and the community at large!


H “Ho” represents Home: This includes Relationships with family members and any other persons who share our home – i.e. all 3 generations [parents or grand-parents, spouse, & children or grandchildren]; plus of course any hired-help.


W “W” represents Work-place Relationships which again involve the trio of Boss, Colleagues & Subordinates!


Magic Mantras

  1. Social Connections: Bond with People:
    • This is the single most important Immunity Booster!
    • It doesn’t matter whether we are married or not, if we live alone or with our family, we have to keep our loved ones uppermost in our priorities, be it our parents or grandparents or children.
  2. Find 3 soulmatesour 24×7 helplines! [”Moais” – groups of friends committed to each other for life – that’s what one of the world’s longest-lived people, the Okinawans create!]
  3. Improve Communication Skills using the The Johari Window

And remember, the Quickest
Way to Wellness is to Adopt a
Wholistic Lifestyle by
following these Simple Tips!

3-point Formula
for a Healthy Body

3-point Formula
for a Healthy Mind

More FAQs & Information Here: 
All about Health & Wellness

More on Positivity:

Positive Ink Will Never Let You Sink
More on Personal Development:
S.O.U.L. [School Of Unlimited Learning]

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